Most Read Articles

Most read Articles are listed by the number of read for the previous three months.

Poultry Coccidiosis-A Concurrent Overview on Etiology, Diagnostic Practices, and Preventive Measures
Korean J. Poult. Sci. 2021;48(4):297-318.
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The Link between Birds and Dinosaurs: Aves Evolved from Dinosaurs
새와 공룡의 연계성: 조류는 공룡으로부터 진화
Korean J. Poult. Sci. 2022;49(3):167-180.
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Heat Shock Proteins in Heat Stressed Chickens
닭의 열 스트레스와 열충격단백질
Korean J. Poult. Sci. 2020;47(4):219-277.
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Physiochemical Treatment of Feed and Utilization of Feed Additives to Control Salmonella in Poultry
가금의 살모넬라 제어를 위한 사료의 이화학적 처리와 사료첨가제의 활용
Korean J. Poult. Sci. 2018;45(1):1-15.
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Effects of Dietary Organic Sulfur on Performance, Egg Quality and Cell-mediated Immune Response of Laying Hens
유기황의 수준별 급여가 산란계의 생산성, 계란품질 및 세포성 면역능에 미치는 영향
Korean J. Poult. Sci. 2018;45(2):97-107.
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Lipid Metabolism and Fatty Liver in Poultry
닭의 지방대사와 지방간
Korean J. Poult. Sci. 2018;45(2):109-118.
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Effects of Lemon and Cranberry Juice on the Quality of Chicken Thigh Meat during Cold Storage
레몬과 크랜베리즙이 닭 다리육의 저장품질에 미치는 영향
Korean J. Poult. Sci. 2018;45(1):53-62.
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Lipid Metabolism and Regulation in Chickens
닭의 지방대사와 조절
Korean J. Poult. Sci. 2024;51(2):27-37.
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Effects of Dietary Germanium on the Performance, Egg Quality and Blood Composition for the Finishing Stage of Laying Hens
산란말기에 게르마늄의 첨가 급여가 산란계의 생산성과 계란품질 및 혈액성상에 미치는 영향
Korean J. Poult. Sci. 2018;45(2):119-124.
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Application of Plant Flavonoids as Natural Antioxidants in Poultry Production
가금 생산에서 천연 항산화제로서 식물성 Flavonoids의 적용
Korean J. Poult. Sci. 2022;49(4):211-220.
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Thermal Stress and Muscle Development in Early Posthatch Broilers
부화 초기 육계의 열 스트레스와 근육발달
Korean J. Poult. Sci. 2021;48(4):255-265.
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Analysis of Marketing Performances according to Raising Environment in Broilers
육계의 사육환경에 따른 출하성적 분석
Korean J. Poult. Sci. 2019;46(1):25-30.
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Changes of Productivity, Intestinal Immune Cells and Gut Microbiota in Laying Hens by Microalgae (Mychonastes pushpae) Supplementation
산란계 사료 내 미세조류(Mychonastes pushpae) 첨가에 따른 생산성, 장내 면역세포 및 장내 미생물의 변화
Korean J. Poult. Sci. 2024;51(3):127-143.
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Supplementation of Indigenous Green Microalga (Parachlorella sp.) to Pre-starter Diet for Broiler Chickens
초기 육계 사료내 토착미세조류(Parachlorella sp.) 첨가에 따른 성장 및 면역반응 변화
Korean J. Poult. Sci. 2020;47(1):49-59.
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Determining Pathogenicity of Infectious Bronchitis Virus Isolated in Korea 2018
2018년도에 분리된 닭 전염성기관지염 바이러스에 대한 병원성 시험
Korean J. Poult. Sci. 2019;46(4):263-269.
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Expression Analysis of Chicken Interleukin-34(IL-34) for Various Pathogenic Stimulations
주요 병원균 자극에 의한 닭의 Interleukin-34 발현 분석 비교
Korean J. Poult. Sci. 2021;48(3):111-122.
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Gut Microbiome and Gut Immunity in Broiler Chickens Fed Allium hookeri Root Powder from Day 10 to 28
육계 사료 내 삼채뿌리분말 첨가가 장내 미생물 및 장관면역에 미치는 영향
Korean J. Poult. Sci. 2023;50(3):171-185.
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Effects of Age of Laying Hens on Internal and External Quality of Eggs
산란계 주령이 계란의 품질에 미치는 효과
Korean J. Poult. Sci. 2018;45(1):63-71.
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A Review of Footpad Dermatitis Characteristics, Causes, and Scoring System for Broiler Chickens
육계 발바닥 피부염의 발생원인, 점수 시스템 및 관련 연구 동향에 대한 총설
Korean J. Poult. Sci. 2020;47(4):199-210.
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Comparison of Broiler Performance according to Infection Rate of Chicken Mycoplasmosis in Broiler Breeders
육용종계 농장의 닭 마이코플라즈마병 감염율에 따른 육계 사육성적 비교
Korean J. Poult. Sci. 2019;46(4):249-253.
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